Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A practically Useful Business Web Development Framework

My first blog for the thing I recently did and continue pursue my happiness. :-)

First of all, I have little time to organize a neat blog, I am just trying, following a few friends' suggestion, to create this blog, to see how it will go.

The purpose of this blog, is to dig a place for the discussion about what I am doing for a simple yet powerful web development framework and methodology.

My framework focuses on stylesheet design, portlet-based UI unit, with param-based role / session / request control at doc element level. Ajax & normal request share the same bean, stylesheet instances.

xml is the backbone of the framework, so that is easy to build SOA, cache, common shared objects. javascript is combined with backend objects so it always delivers the right control based on specific dynamic-built page.....just name a few...

how to use java applet, flash, is not related to framework, these are table content inside the page templates. but sure, they can be controlled by stylesheets' params which are offered by backend beans.

1 comment:

  1. It is a good step 1.

    I don't know how open source works but so far I can only comment on your business features on your application.

    If you want input for your design and technical details, then you have to show us your design and coding.
